Wednesday 20 August 2014

Question 3

Lets believe that God, from any religion who so ever He/She be has created everything earth, moon, sun, universe e.t.c.

The question is

Did anybody create God? 

(If nobody created God, then how come he was there to create everything else, what he was doing before God created us? was he unemployed ? sitting in darkness doing nothing?)

Sunday 17 August 2014

Question 2

How come you have landed on this obscure blog?

(Unless you are part of some moderator group! you landing here is nothing less than a miracle itself)

Question 1

Why should I create a blog and express my views?

(I mean that what I am going to achieve by this, who is going to change his or her opinion after reading my blog post? Why do I want to teach somebody? People out here already know much more than me.  Why everybody is so keen to make this word know that he has arrived?) 

If you have any answer to this please help me.